Welcome to the Journal of Biophilic Design podcast series, where our editor Dr Vanessa Champion interviews thought-leaders, researchers, environmental psychologists, designers, architects, landscape designers, city planners, historians, environmentalists and more to explore how Biophilic Design is making a difference to our physical and mental wellbeing as well as helping make our planet more sustainable and biodiverse. Please do sign up to our free newsletter and follow us on social media if you’re on there for updates and more. Did you know our podcast is also on Audible, Amazon Music, Spotify, iTunes, YouTube, Stitcher, vurbl, podbay, podtail, and most if not all the RSS feeds?
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We recently published Issue 11 of the Journal of Biophilic Design which had a focus on Hotels and leisure and to celebrate this, we are thrilled to have Louis Thompson, Founder of Nomadic Resorts with us on this podcast.
Nomadic Resorts were one of the finalists in the 2023 Stephen Kellert Biophilic Design award. We were delighted to partner with Living Future Europe to co-publish the book of winners and shortlisted entries of the 2023 Stephen Kellert Biophilic Design Award.
In a world increasingly dominated by concrete and steel, one man is on a mission to rekindle our innate connection with the natural world. Louis, founder of Nomadic Resorts, is pioneering a revolutionary approach to architecture that seamlessly blends human habitats with the surrounding environment.
Louis' journey began not in the halls of design schools, but in the remote corners of the Indian Ocean. After studying European politics, he found himself drawn to the hospitality industry, honing his skills at the luxury resort operator Six Senses. It was here that he discovered his true calling – to create spaces that not only cater to the needs of guests, but also nurture their well-being and foster a deeper appreciation for the natural world.
In an age where the modern workplace is rapidly evolving, a growing chorus of designers and workplace strategists are championing a radical new approach - one that reconnects us with the natural world. At the heart of this movement is the principle of biophilic design, which seeks to infuse our built environments with the rejuvenating power of nature.
"We are sensory beings," explains Collin Burry, design director at global architecture firm Gensler. "Designing for the full range of human senses - sight, sound, touch - is crucial if we want to create spaces that truly nourish and inspire people." Collin, who has transformed the interiors of iconic brands like Apple and Dolby, believes the workplace of the future must move beyond bare functionality to address our deep-seated need for connection with the natural world.
Allison English, co-founder of workplace experience consultancy Atos Strategy, agrees. "Sometimes we forget that we, as humans, are not designed to be sitting at desks staring at screens all day," she reflects. "We evolved to be in nature, to thrive in environments that stimulate all our senses." Allison's work has shown how biophilic design - from verdant living walls to soothing natural soundscapes - can have a profound impact on employee wellbeing and productivity. The benefits are backed by a growing body of research. Studies have found that exposure to natural elements can lower stress levels, boost cognitive function and even reduce absenteeism.
Reconnecting with Nature: Charlotte' Church’s Biophilic Retreat offers Healing and Wonder. The Elan Valley, nestled in the heart of mid-Wales, is a hidden gem of serene beauty and wild grandeur. Here, the landscape unfurls in soft, rolling hills, dotted with ancient woodlands and heather-clad slopes, while the deep, verdant valleys are carved by the meandering course of crystal-clear rivers. The air is fresh, tinged with the earthy scent of moss and pine, and the sky, often painted in hues of blue or grey, seems endless above this tranquil expanse.
Here is where The Dreaming is.
The Dreaming, which is a haven and a place of retreat for everyone, is the creation of Charlotte Church. Charlotte. Is known to many as a singer, but maybe fewer know her as a visionary of this beautiful space in Wales. It’s a place where she is manifesting her vision to help people reconnect with nature, both inside and out, where biophilia threads through the hills, waterfalls, valleys and right into the house where you stay.
And it is this house which is the epitome of Biophilic Design. It is designed not only with heart and honesty, but has been a work of love by Charlotte and the designers who helped create this home. The former home of the designer, Laura Ashley has fallen into disrepair when Charlotte came across the land.
Turning her desire to make a difference in the world for people and planet, the land informed her decision to create a retreat centre, transforming the land and the house into a Biophilic haven.
In a secluded corner of the Welsh countryside, internationally renowned singer-songwriter Charlotte has created a sanctuary that blends the power of nature, music, and design. The Dreaming, her newly opened retreat centre, is a testament to her lifelong passion for the restorative qualities of the natural world.
In an age of increasing urbanisation and digital distractions, a growing movement is seeking to reestablish our innate connection with the natural world. At the forefront of this revolution is Martin Brown, a sustainability consultant and self-proclaimed "provocateur," who is challenging the way we design and inhabit our built environments.
Martin recounts his own journey, one that has seen him transition from a career in project management to becoming a leading voice in the world of regenerative design. "I think biophilia, rather biophilic design, was that sort of gateway to try attract more people and gain attention," he explains, describing how simple biophilic elements, such as living walls and textured wood panelling, can have a profound impact on both the occupants and the bottom line.
But Martin's vision extends far beyond mere aesthetic improvements. He speaks passionately about the concept of "kinship," a deeper, more spiritual connection to the natural world that draws inspiration from indigenous philosophies. This shift in mindset is essential if we are to address the pressing environmental and social challenges of our time. He laments the "disconnect" he observes in modern society, where people are quick to marvel at the "pretty lights in the sky" but equally quick to discard their litter.
In this podcast, Lyn Falk describes herself as a long-term preacher and educator in the sphere of biophilic design. To her, "Everything is energy, even this brick building I'm in is made from molecules and atoms and energy.” Different materials like glass, wood, and brick vibrate differently, affecting our senses and well-being. Her designs always include the immediate benefits of incorporating natural elements like plants, natural light, and fresh air into design and as many other elements the brief allows and she emphasises the importance of natural materials like wood, which have not undergone extensive processing and retain their original energy.
Lyn's design philosophy is rooted in the understanding that we are fundamentally part of nature, not separate from it. "We cannot exist without abiding by the laws of nature," she says. "We've perhaps been forced into built environments that pull that out of the environment, but we're now seeing the results of that." Those results, according to Lyn, are all too apparent in the retail and hospitality sectors, where a focus on maximizing profits has often come at the expense of human needs.
Lyn believes that by reintegrating nature into our built spaces through elements like natural light, plants, and natural materials, we can not only improve the customer experience, but also the wellbeing of employees. "I always say if I had to work in a cubicle, just shoot me," she laughs. “We are living nature, and we've been put in buildings that are static and not necessarily living, breathing buildings.”
Talina Edwards, founder of the award-winning architecture firm Envirotecture, shares her passion for sustainable, biophilic design that reconnects people with the natural world.
Based in Ballarat, Victoria, Talina and her team are at the forefront of a movement to transform the way homes and buildings are constructed in Australia. "We really care about health, we really care about people, and we really care about the planet, because we want a healthy, thriving future for the future generations," Talina explains. This ethos underpins Envirotecture's work, which spans certified PassivHaus projects, off-grid homes, and advocacy for more environmentally-conscious building practices.
One of Talina's standout projects is the "Huff and Puff" house, a straw bale home that also achieved PassivHaus certification. "We wanted it to be very healthy. The clients were very keen on using straw because of being so connected to the land there. So that drove the whole project," she said. The home's thick straw walls, combined with careful solar orientation and triple-glazed windows, allowed it to meet the rigorous PassivHaus standard while still maintaining a strong connection to its natural surroundings.
This connection to place is a crucial element of biophilic design, which Talina sees as essential for shifting societal mindsets around sustainability. She believes that biophilic principles can have a profound impact. ..
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In a world increasingly disconnected from nature, the principles of biophilic design offer a powerful antidote.
Chintamani Bird, an Australian designer committed to biophilic design, shared her insights on how Biophilic Design can heal both people and the planet. She emphasizes that biophilic design has a profound impact on the brain, reducing stress, improving cognitive function, activating the parasympathetic nervous system, and enhancing overall mood and well-being.
As the Journal of Biophilic Design expands to Australia in 2025, this is the first in a series of interviews with leading names in Biophilic Designers from that side of the globe and who champion the transformative potential of this design philosophy.
At the heart of Biophilic Design is the recognition that humans have an innate need to connect with the natural world. "Biophilic design has the opportunity to heal and heal through biodiversity, heal the soil, heal the environment, heal communities," Chintamani emphasized.
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How does a passion for biophilic design, which stems from a desire to improve an architect and designer’s own health, lead to the design of a major new healthcare building? For Steven Edge, founder of Salvage Sustainable Design, his personal interest in Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) expanded into advocacy of Biophilic Design in buildings. We catch up with and discuss his recent project, commissioned by Manchester based architects AHR in 2017, where he acted as biophilic design consultant for their client the Royal College of Physicians’ new £35, million HQ in Liverpool. The Spine opened in the Spring of 2021 and with 109 out of a possible 110 WELL Credits, the highest of any (over 26,000) WELL certified buildings in the world, its set to become one of the healthiest buildings in the world.
Steven is a biophilic design consultant, and a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, with over 40 years’ experience in academia and the design and construction industry. He shares his background, starting with work in architecture and interior design, and his growing interest in sustainability and healthy materials.
Talking about biophilic design principles used in The Spine, Steve describes how The Royal College of Physicians wanted to create a building that would make people feel healthier when they left it than when they entered; a brief that was fully met. Because it's a college as well as Office Spaces, they have young surgeons who would also be diagnosing real patients’ problems in this new building.
The design, led by architect Rob Hopkins, drew inspiration from the human body, with elements like the "skin" of the building and the "spine" staircase.
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"I love this term biophilia, because it's this, in a sense, it's a love of nature in a word, isn't it? And I had this beautiful description recently of what it actually means to love something or to love someone. In very plain terms, it means to include that person or that thing's interests as one's own." Jojo Mehta, Co-founder, Stop Ecocide International.
For me Biophilic Design has the potential to heal more than just physical and mental health of people, it has the potential to help heal our earth too. If we implemented Biophilic Design in cities for instance, we can help mitigate climate change, even just by planting more trees which is a Biophilic Design solution, we increase tree canopy cover, increase biodiversity, mitigate flooding. There are many more, from creating Blue cities with cleaner rivers and waterways to planting on roofs and sides of buildings helping reduce the need to switch on air conditioning units in the summer and heating in the winter, which in turn reduces energy consumption. Also, as interior designers we specify more natural materials, reducing plastic, are more considerate of what textiles are made of and originate from.
With our global temperature reaching a danger point, we need to do all we can as designers, architects, fit out managers and anyone who works in the built environment at any point.
Today we have got the amazing Jojo Mehta with us on the podcast. Jojo is CEO and co-founder of Stop Ecocide International (SEI), the hub of the global movement to create a new international crime of ecocide to protect the Earth from the worst acts of environmental damage, a movement that is gaining significant political traction. She co-founded SEI with the visionary lawyer, Polly Higgins, who died in 2019, having devoted the final decade of her life to the cause.
We explore and put into context just WHY we need to do more as designers, seize every opportunity we can to create better environments, not just for people, but for planet too and also how Biophilic Design is an essential part of the solution.....
In a world increasingly dominated by artificial environments, the importance of reconnecting with nature has never been more crucial. Xander Cadisch, head of the independent research arm Light Tribe of Phos, is on a mission to illuminate the science behind biophilic design and its profound impact on human behaviour. He explores the electromagnetic spectrum explaining how light is part of the electromagnetic radiation spectrum, which includes radio waves, microwaves, infrared, and ultraviolet. - As you move from red to violet in the visible light spectrum, the wavelength gets shorter and the frequency increases. He goes on to share WHY this is important to us when we design spaces.
Xander explains how we emerged out of the sea and how our eyes still carry those salt water ducts which are reminders of where we evolved from. He goes on to explain the evolutionary journey that has hardwired our brains to respond to the natural rhythms of light and colour. "We've always had these intrinsic links to the rising and setting of the sun and all these different colour variations and intensities and wavelengths that the sun gives us at night, at daytime, and then removed at night."
However, the modern human now spends a staggering 90% of their time indoors, deprived of this vital connection. "It's less than the legal requirement for maximum security prisoners," he says. This disconnect has profound consequences, as our eyes and brains are wired to thrive on the sensory experiences found in the natural world.
"Light is one of the main guiding forces to the world around us," he says. "Potentially 80% of how we interact with the world around us comes from what we see." From the way certain wavelengths can influence our mood and productivity, to the importance of shadows and contrast in creating a sense of harmony, the science behind lighting design is complex and often overlooked.